Tranquilizers are drugs prescribed to combat stress (strong state of tension), anxiety and sleeping aids. Many of them are also used to treat epilepsy (such as muscle relaxants), and for the management of abstinence from alcohol and other addictive drugs (in the treatment of addiction the first step is the removal of the drug or withdrawal).
Scientific Names:
Popular Names:
- Roche
- Pickup
- Rufis
- Pasta
Effects on the use of tranquilizers in the short term:
- Drowsiness, fatigue and laziness.
- Isolation.
- Reduction reactions.
- Muscle relaxation, calmness and reduced stress and anxiety.
- Poor coordination, confusion, impaired trial.
- Changes in mood characterized by aggression.
- Occasionally double vision and memory loss.
Effects on the use of tranquilizers in the long term:
- Memory impairment.
- Constant drowsiness.
- Anxiety.
- Decreased motivation, laziness to do things.
- Changes in emotional responses: it goes from joy to sadness, irritability and violence without any relation to a particular case.
- Increased appetite and weight.
- Nausea, skin rashes, headaches.
- Difficulty sleeping, bad dreams.
- Alterations in menstrual periods, sexual problems.
- Physical and psychological need to use the drug.
Symptoms presented by a person who uses tranquilizers:
- Constantly make use of these substances to sleep.
- Shown distressed if no pads.
- When you have tranquilizers for a long time.
- It is your need to take tranquilizers to keep your emotional balance.
- Increasing the dose over time, to get the effect when it began its consumption.